This is a digital download that you can print off and laminate yourself to make your own sight word game.
This file is a pdf so download and print, cut, laminate then stick magnets on the back.
When purchasing please double check your email address is correct as the link to download will be sent to your email address.
Please note no physical product will be shipped!
NOTE: This file is for personal use only. It is not to be sold or sent to others.
Swat A Sight Word is a game for building speed and confidence with identifying sight words. It is a great way of giving your child(ren) the repetition they need to achieve mastery while keeping them engaged and is especially good for children who don't learn as well sitting still.
It can be played with 1-4 players
The adult says a word, and the child has to spot the word and splat it with a fly swat. If they are correct they get to keep the card. The child with the most cards at the end wins. (Or if one player then you can play with a timer to see how fast you can gather the words.)
This set is a Magenta level 1-2 for very beginner readers.
It includes:
- 21 x Laminated Sight Word Cards
- 2 x Fly Swats
This file is for personal/classroom/ centre use only. Please don't send it to others outside of your home or workplace. Made up and given as a gift is more than welcome but please don't sell it.